Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"American-Born" (Chapter 12)

"I look at her, amazed. She's American-born. I can tell by her accent and the way she holds herself. I didn't even know you could do something like that. I sure didn't know a girl could do something like that." pg. 106

This quote actually made me smile. I could make my own picture of Nadira's face. Bewildered. Going to an all girls school, that teaches you to empower yourself, it's different for us, if we heard something like "I'm going to be a geologist", our reaction would simply be like "Oh...thats "so cool"." Now taking Nadira's reaction, I feel like she's more traditional.
Actually, I know she's more traditional. The question is...why wouldn't a girl be able to be a geologist? Its the United States of America for crying out loud. I think we've moved past this sexist stage, and for Nadira, finding that this isn't a traditional setting, is, I think, rather interesting for her.

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