Thursday, March 12, 2009

Discontinued...(Chapter 10)

"The more Taslima talks, the worse she makes things with her agitated, angry air. Aisha shifts from her seat, tucks her hair behind her ears, and speaks very softly.
"If you please, miss," she says. "We don't know the rules. We've never been in a station house before. Can you tell me where we are allowed to make phone calls?"
The officer softens a bit. Her gaze slides back to Taslima with her punky short hair sticking up like bristles, her wiry, tense body. Then she regards Aisha, who is standing with her ankles pressed togetger, chin tipped up, showing the wide planes of her cheeks. I know this look in Aisha: it's the girl who knows how to please everybody to get what she wants.
"Call out in the hall," the woman suggests." pg. 84

And the winner is...Aisha! Naturally. I think Aisha presented herself in an excellent way in order to "get what she wants". Her performance was going well until...

"Please miss," she begins. "I understand that you're just doing your job. But there is such a larger issue here. My uncle being held like this, it's a violation of his civil liberties—" pg. 85

This was followed by...

"Save it," the woman interrupts. "You want to talk about rights, you don't have a right to sit in this area. We're just tryin' to make it easier for you folks." pg. 85

Talking about harsh! Aisha's performance was great until the supervisor cut her off completely. I actually think its highly unfair, the treatment. I mean, I understand that, like Aisha said, the woman is doing her job, but does she really have to say "You don't have a right to sit in this area." and what's with the last part? "We're just tryin' to make it easier for you folks." You could emphasize the you in the last sentence, and that would actually sound even harsher. Is it so difficult to take in the situation that they're in? The supervisor lady/woman person could be at least considerate. Perhaps taking Zuckerman's idea from today during class, might be interesting to look at. Maybe the supervisor woman was afraid that Aisha was going to actually say something worth hearing. Aisha was getting to a point.
Hmm...I don't know. The treatment of immigrants seems a little unfair to me.


  1. great job kayla. i completely agree it was harsh and she should have let aisha finish. I also think Zuckerman was right. I think the lady cut her off because she was afraid that she was going to say something worth while.

  2. Nice work Kayla. I totally agree that the way the lady treated Aisha and her family was really mean. She spoke to them like they didn't know anything, which is really mean. But on the other hand, if the lady did make an exception for Aisha and her family, that would be unfair as well. Then everyone would like an exception and the whole thing wouldn't really work out...nice way of explaining it. You voiced you opinions very well.

    On another note, do you think next time you could use a different font? It was a little hard for me to read...thanks!

  3. “The treatment of immigrants seems a little unfair to me.”

    Immigration is a complex topic. I think you forgot to add the word “illegal” immigrants, because if they were legal then, there might not have been as much of a problem. It was harsh of the lady to but in like that, but it’s her job and maybe she’s just fed up with the situation… Do you think if Aisha finished the conversation it would make a significant difference? (I am not sure…) I agree that Aisha was on the right track with her first conversation. Like Puja said in class, Aisha has many sides to her-sweet when she wants her way, was (and might still be) harsh to her sister, and smart for her own good and her parents. I think that is important to note because it’ll be interesting how her character develops.

  4. Good Job,

    I'm definately going to have to agree with Puja said in class and Sophia also said above Aisha does have many different sides to her. Their is the sweet kiss up side and she actually has a caring side where she cares for others. Especially when she shows care for her uncle. I also agree with you Kayla...Aisha did get a little harsh talking with the security. It showed a lot. Good Job!


  5. i agree with you completely! It was really rude the way the woman spoke to her and her family. It was uncalled for and i think that immigrants should be treated a WHOLE lot nicer!

  6. Outstanding, great job Kayla, this is any amazing blog! :)
    I totally agree with what you said, but here is a question for you think Aisha was being disrespectful to and elder and and authory figure?(I personally think she was being disrespectful but it paid off!)
    You also included long through and many quotes.
    I see that you also asked questions in your blog, nice touch not only making your self think about it but your reader.


  7. Great Job Kayla!
    You really stated your opinion, great use of quotes to prove your point. I totally agree with you! I also agree with Puja, Sophia and DaVaughn about how Aisha has many different sides to her. Good question Jena, I think she was, but at the same time she wasn't. If you know what I mean.

    I also agree with Puja about the font.
    Could you please make it a different font, or a different color...or even better, BOTH! :D


  8. Yeah I Totally agree with you kayla! Aisha really seemed like she was on to something until the officer cut her off mid-sentence. When I was reading the book I thought that Aisha might win the argument but no! I think that if Aisha had kept talking she would have brought up some rights that she knew she and her family had in this situation. I think that the officer knew that as well. If she did know what Aisha was up to... shouldn't she have listened to Aisha's request and honored them?

  9. great job Kayla! it was a very thoughtful blog post. I agree with you all. The lady was being very harsh to Aisha when i think it wasn't nessesary. I think Aisha was saying something with a really good point, and that might have helped them out of there. I also agree with Puja, the font was a little hard to read.
    Great job.

  10. I agree with what Puja said. The woman was uneccessarily rude and annoying. I did not like the way she treated Aisha and Auntie. I did notice that even though this is from Nadira's POV, she never says a word. What happened to the outspoken girl? Does she only have outbursts when Aisha's bothering her, or at tiny things? She's wasting her breath when she could be trying to help Uncle.

  11. totally in agreement with lyndsay and the majority of the above, if Aisha was getting to a point, let her finish! don't just cut her off! it's rude enough to interrupt someone but to go to their house at about two am, that's pretty bad! they should let them talk, or they're never going to learn what Aisha and the others have to say!
    i also really agree with Kayla:
    the treatment of the immigrants is starting to seem really unfair to me. REALLY unfair (i know you, kayla, just said 'little' but i think it's 'really')
